Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quote from The Bucket List.

Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?
As I merge more and more into the leadership side of worship I am learning it is not just about leading the congregation in worship or teaching the band how to play a new song.  There is a behind the scenes job in leading band members in their walks in life, being an example to teens in a youth group, or even adults of the main church body.  As we live this leadership role let us remember this quote from the movie The Bucket List.  "Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?"  We can help others through hard times with the experiences we have been through.  Even our bad days can have positive influence in others lives.  We only have to look at our mistakes and figure out how to use them to help others in their times of trouble.

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