Monday, September 12, 2011

Did we show up to meet with God?

This is a post I posted on my church's website yesterday.

The following is an excerpt from an article I just read on

God’s presence is robust. He’s not nervous or timid, and He is always present, never failing, never out of time or out of action. So when the first chord sounds and the hands go up we’re not doing it to try and get His attention in the hope that He might stop by if His schedule allows. We can sing with heads thrown back and hands held wide in the knowledge that God is already among us. It’s not a matter of asking did God show up to our meeting. The question to wrestle with is this: did we show up to meet with God?

- by David Gutekunst
full article available at;

Sometimes we get caught up in the flow of church and worship.  We have to remember that we aren’t just singing a song.  We are communicating with God and giving him praise for what he has and is already planning to do in our lives and lives of friends and family.  We worship to invite his presence into our hearts, to prep our minds for his word – spoken to us, usually by a pastor, to help us in our journey through life.  I view worship as a time to forget what is happening at work, school, or home, push aside our wants and open our hearts for what we really need – Gods presence, Gods love, Gods mercy, Gods wisdom in our lives and in our hearts.  We can better understand his word when our minds are clear and pure.

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