Monday, September 19, 2011

Moving Forward

No matter where we are in life or what we are going through we always know that God is by our side. Look up and press on. Just keep moving forward; God will be there all along the way.  Times may get tough but we cant give up.  God will not give up on us therefore we must do our part by not sitting back waiting on the season to pass.  Press on and do your best.  Seek the positive in everything you do.  It may not be apparent at first but something good can come from everything bad.  We are the ones who must decide if we will let that happen.  When you get down and you dont feel like you can move forward open iTunes or put your headphones on and listen to some good worship songs.  Pray about your situation, worship with the music and soon joy and peace will come over you.  You will find strength to get up and move forward. 

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